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Thursday, March 13, 2014

What’s the new AVG Zen, know it in detail here

Seeing the dramatic increase in the number of smartphones and tablet users, it would not be wrong to comment that soon there will be more connected devices than the number of people on earth, which means around 50 billion devices. Currently the amount of data that is held on the internet is about 4 zettabytes, which is already a huge number. Wonder what would this become when the device count actually reaches the 50 billion mark? The internet in the coming years will thus turn into a gigantic detailed log book of our lives, holding within it every single detail it can.

Consumers thus need to build that strong trust about the data being handled securely over devices which lie at the center of their lives. AVG taking a giant leap towards making this real has now unveiled a new and one of its kind products, which has been deciphered as the AVG Zen. This helps in connecting devices from desktop to mobile, the data and the users behind it are consolidated into one simple package with the sole aim of turning our complicated digital lives into simpler one.

AVG Zen would act as a centralized means, helping users see privacy and security settings for all their devices from one place. In fact AVG Zen presents just one single place for all its 177 million active users to protect their devices and personal data easily. The ultimate aim of the AVG Zen is to place the user or owner of these devices in complete control of the data and its security, as control helps in adding that sense of choice automatically.

AVG believes in giving users freedom from the thought of being invaded. In case you wish to know more about this novice offering from AVG you just need to contact the AVG customer service experts who can help you know it all.

If not the home company, you can turn to SupportBuddy, if looking to avail dedicated AVG tech support from experts who are trained, skilled and experienced. So, why keep putting your data and info on stake, switch to AVG and see worries flying away and for support, SupportBuddy tech buddies are always there.

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