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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Charge your phone from 0 to 100 % in half a minute !!

Smartphones running out of battery after every few hours is a problem that users face commonly. But, a recent announcement that can make all such users happy and worry-free is the release of a prototype charger that touts to charge a mobile device from zero to 100 in just 30 seconds. Think it’s too good to be true; even we did, until we read what follows.

It’s from Store Dot which with its bio-organic prototype technology commits to charge any mobile device in just 30 seconds or even lesser. Most on the go users particularly face the problem of draining battery on their mobile phones, but it’s nothing to worry about anymore as a solution has now been devised by an Israeli company, Store Dot.

The released thing is just now only a prototype and the company does not anticipate the selling of this charger for a couple of years more. Also, it’s been found that the same is not a full capacity battery and also the size is not very compact to get fitted inside the mobile handset.

As for now, the prototype charger by StoreDot has only been released for the Samsung Galaxy S4, but the company has plans to make these for more smartphones in the near future. The firm will however spend next three years and $6.25 in funding to make the enhancements.

The company is at least a year away from functional prototype integrated in a mobile device and in two years the firm believes to reach the required energy density needed for an entire day. It means a commercial ready device will at least take three years to get shaped.

Reports even suggest that the prototype charger by Store Dot will be priced as twice that of a regular charger and is expected to get under commercial production by the year 2016.

Company anticipates reducing the charger size before it gets under commercial manufacturing. The firm Store Dot is renowned for making use of bio-inspired nanotechnology and the prototype charger which still has no name is based on the quantum dot technology.

In the meantime, Store Dot is also looking to develop cadmium-free displays, which will present a non-toxic alternative, acting as the first ever bio organic display.

So, if you too wish to buy this charger which can charge your mobile in less than a minute you will need to wait for another three years, before the same will actually get released. Till then continue using your current charger.

The writer is an Avast tech support expert  at SupportBuddy - a Global Company offering technical support for computers. Call 1-888-753-5164, connect with a live technician remotely, and get your issue resolved instantly while speaking on the Avast Technical Support Number.

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